Course Content

The Yoga Home Sligo Essential Alignment Flow Collection Has got you covered for all opportunities to come home to your body heart and mind whether you have only 15 minutes for a quick refresh or can treat yourself to a full power down and reboot of a two hour at home yoga retreat. And we have a range of options in between these two poles of practice.

    1. Essential To Arriving Into Body And Breath: "Who" Breathing

    2. Essential To Warm Up Physical Body: Joint Rotations

    3. Essential Deep Relaxation: Legs Up On A Chair

    1. Short Practice 1: Bringing You Into Balance For When You Feel Hot And Bothered

    2. Short Practice 2: Bringing You Into Balance When You Feel Heavy and Dull

    3. Short Practice 3: Bringing You Into Balance When You Feel Frazzled and Fidgety

    1. Medium Practice 1: Warrior Flow 1 Anchoring In Wide Leg Forward Bend

    2. Medium Practice 2: Warrior Flow 2 Anchoring In DownWard Facing Dog

    3. Medium Practice 3: Agni: The Sacred Fire: Building The Container

    4. Medium Practice 4: Agni: The Sacred Fire: The Pulsation of Drawing in And Expanding Out

    1. Long Practice 1: From Sun Salutations To A New Twist On Bridge Pose

    2. Long Practice 2: Steadying Presence In Uncertain Times

    3. Long Practice 3: Gaining Confidence With Transitions

    4. Essential Deep Relaxation: Deluxe Savasana

    1. Links To Spotify

About this course

  • €75,00
  • 17 lessons
  • 12 hours of video content